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Missionary Grove Baptist church will begin reopening their sanctuary on May 10 th 2020.
There will be 2 services available. Worship services will be held at 9am and 11am. Missionary
grove is going to limit the number of people in the sanctuary and you will be required to
register online so you can secure your seat. Please visit and click the RSVP
link to register. If you have trouble registering you can call the church office during normal
business hours and speak with someone that can help you or leave a message and someone will
return your call.
There will be several changes to the way you are going to be able to attend church. Please review the
following bullet points and follow the guidelines, as these are put in place to keep us alert to the
responsibilities we have in being good friends to our church family.
 As you arrive please be respectful of people in the parking lot, once you exit your vehicle try to
maintain 6’ of distance between you and others.
 MGBC will not be running golf carts so if you would like to drop off your family and friends at the
door feel free to do that before you park.
 If you are able to walk further distances please park in the lower parking lot and leave the upper
parking lot for visitors and folks that are not able to walk as far.
 There will be NO nursery or children’s church, so please be prepared to keep your child/children
with you.
 The worship center will be the only building on campus that will be open and the only building
being used until further notice.
 All entry into the building will be through the west welcome center doors. There will be signage
to point you to this entry point.
 There will be tape on the floor as you enter the building helping family groups observe 6 ft
distance recommendations.
 There will be hand sanitizing stations available.
 The water fountains will not be available for use but bottle water will be available. Please only
touch the one you are taking.
 There will be ushers that will assist in getting everyone to their seat.
 There will not be a time of fellowship between worship and preaching. If you need to move
about during this time please maintain a reasonable safe distance.
 During alter call there will be tape on the floor to help maintain a safe distance during alter
prayer. Please observe this safe distance.
 Dismissing will be done by row and will be facilitated by the ushers. Please be patient as we
 Offering buckets will be placed at the exit doors as you exit.
 Exiting the building will be through the east welcome center doors and the west emergency exit
door to the right of the stage.

Internal use

Ushers and door greeters
 Entry doors should remain propped open during entry time.
 Worship center to Welcome center doors should remain open at all times
 Exit doors should be propped open during exit times.
 Bathroom doors should be wiped down after each use in and out.
 No more than 3 people in the bathroom at one time
 Bathroom sinks, stall doors, flush handles, soap dispensers should be wiped down between and
during each service
 Chairs need to be wiped down between each service
 Doors need to be wiped down between each service
 Alter needs to be sprayed with Lysol after each service
 Offer and elbow when presented with a hand shake
 Blow kisses to avoid physical contact.
 We will slowly transition into bigger groups as the risk for spread of COVID 19 is reduced
 We will go back to no service if the spread gets worse
 We will slowly add back nursery, children’s church, Sunday school, as the risk for spread
 We will not have Wednesday night services at this time,
 We will not run vans at this time
 We will not have bulletins or other hand outs
 We must maintain an enjoyable upbeat atmosphere. It is different but we are getting back
together and getting back together is a step in the direction of fellowship.
 Remember to be an encouragement

And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another,
especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

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