Missionary Grove Baptist Church Facility Use Policy
Missionary Grove Baptist Church (MGBC) is a Gospel centered church committed to do whatever it takes to
share the love of Jesus to our community and the world. We strive to be a local body of the universal church
that unifies all generations for God’s glory. In that spirit, we open our facility for members and outside group use.
Church members:
Members of MGBC may use the facility at any time provided there is no conflict with the church calendar. If
audio or visual equipment is needed, an AV representative must be present. Cleaning fees will apply to any event.
Outside Groups:
Outside groups include nonprofit organizations, conferences, group meeting, marriages or events unrelated to
MGBC. These groups may reserve the facilities providing their purpose and activities are consistent with
MGBC values and beliefs. Any outside media, music or material to be used must not be in conflict with the
value and beliefs of MGBC. No outside group event will be scheduled in conflict with any event on the MGBC
church calendar. A MGBC Representative must be present for an outside group event.
Ineligible Groups:
Groups or events that conflict with MGBC values, beliefs, bylaws and/or ministry.
Outside Group Facility Use Fees
Reservation of a date by eligible outside groups will be secured by a non-refundable deposit. This non-
refundable deposit will be due when this application has been approved. The remainder of the fees will be
required at least one month prior to the time of use. If a date is requested with less than a month until the event,
the full fee will be due when application is approved.
Fee/ Non-refundable deposit
New Sanctuary $200 / $50
Fellowship hall and kitchen $50 / $12.50
All of the above $250 / $62.50
Additional Fees for Facility Use
Required Cleaning Fee: $50 per day, per facility
Optional Audio, Visual, Livestream or Stage Representative Fee: $100 per day, per person
MGBC will not be responsible for items that are lost, stolen or damaged. Users are responsible and assume
liability for any personal injuries or damages to the facility and/or equipment. Seating capacity for the new
sanctuary is 400. Seating capacity for the fellowship hall and kitchen is 100. MGBC reserves the right to cancel
any event. A full refund of fees and deposits will be refunded if MGBC must cancel your event.
Guidelines for Use
ï‚· Absolutely no alcohol is allowed on premises for any event.
ï‚· No tobacco products are allowed inside any portion of the facility.
ï‚· Provocative attire or clothing depicting drugs/alcohol, satanic or sexually explicit materials are not to be
worn on the premises. Users violating dress code will be asked to change in order to remain on premises.
ï‚· Explicit or blasphemous language will not be permitted on premises.
ï‚· Adherence and acceptance to MGBC Statement of Basic Beliefs and Statement on Faith of Marriage and
Human Sexuality as adopted in MGBC Constitution and By-Laws. Click here to view a copy or
A paper copy can be attained from our church office.
ï‚· Audio and or video equipment use is restricted to certified MGBC audio visual technicians only.
ï‚· Sanctuary stage will not be cleared of musical instruments and sound equipment. Items may be moved
to the back of the stage by certified MGBC audio visual technicians only.
ï‚· Childcare will not be provided for any outside group event.
ï‚· Food in the foyer, pantry cabinets, refrigerator and freezers are for a ministries of MGBC and are not to
be used by outside groups. MGBC will not supply any food or drink item for outside events. Outside
groups may use the kitchen ice machine. Caterers are allowed for outside events.